Friday, November 21, 2014

Indianapolis Family Law Attorney: Factors for Winning Child Custody

The court believes that the best way to raise a child is to have both parents present. You should anticipate that if you win custody, then your former spouse will be granted generous visitation rights. If you make it clear to a judge that you will not encourage your child to have a healthy relationship with your spouse’s side of the family, then you jeopardize your chances of winning sole custody. These are only some of the factors that help determine who wins sole custody of a child. For more information on other important aspects, do not hesitate to consult a trusted family law attorney in Indianapolis like Eric L. Risk.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Indianapolis Attorneys Protect their Clients’ Constitutional Rights

While the public appreciates the swift work police departments do in resolving cases, due process must always be observed for everyone’s benefit. Experienced Indianapolis attorneys such as Eric L. Risk will make sure that this is adhered to and that the constitutional rights of the accused are always recognized and protected. As an essential part of the justice system, a criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis would start his work with getting the facts from his client. He would have to determine whether the accused was read his Miranda Rights during the time of the arrest and that the seizure of evidence is backed up by a court warrant. These steps are necessary as the possibility of wrongful arrests and illegal searches have to be brought to the court’s attention.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Choice: Which Lawyers in Indianapolis Can Assist in Your Divorce?

Experienced attorneys in Franklin, Indiana, Indianapolis, and other nearby cities know that divorce is a painful experience and they can help reduce the emotional toll it has on their clients by focusing on a goal, which is the quick resolution of the divorce with as little financial damage as possible. Another thing to consider when selecting your attorney is their trustworthiness and your level of comfort when working with them. Divorce proceedings can be quite grueling—you’ll want someone whom you can work with smoothly. Moreover, you’ll have to share some personal and private information to your attorney. If a lawyer rubs you the wrong way during the initial consultation, it’s probably best to skip them and look for someone else.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Car Crash Aftermath: Determining Liability with Indianapolis Attorneys

To start things off, it’s best to define what the term “liability” exactly means in these situations. In truth, experienced Indianapolis attorneys such as Eric L. Risk Attorney At Law recognize that there is a lot more to the word than what it means outright. In an auto accident, liability is legalese for fault—i.e. who is responsible for the mishap. As previously mentioned, determining fault in a car accident greatly varies from state to state. For instance, Indianapolis is a “fault” state, which means that in the state, the driver who caused the accident (he/she who crashed into another) is solely responsible for all damages incurred; property and personal injury included, and other adversely affected drivers must prove their liability.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Family lawyers in Indianapolis aiding you in Divorce Settlement Terms

In some cases, a QDRO can be used to compel the ex to keep paying when evidence points to them falling behind on their payments. However, you should look for pay restrictions in the retirement plan and task your lawyer to figure out a workaround applicable in the QDRO. You will always want to have something to fall back in case the marriage collapses. Your preferred family law attorney from Indianapolis will aid you in doing the right thing.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Having Reputable Indianapolis Attorneys Get you off the Drunk Train

Reviewing current rules on public intoxication and the arresting officer’s report may work if you think there were inconsistencies, which a criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis can use to question the other camp. In the arrest report, the officer wrote that Morgan’s behavior at the time was “annoying.” However, defense lawyers argued before the Indiana Court of Appeals that the public intoxication provision in Indiana Code Title 7.1, Chapter 5 (Alcohol and Tobacco) was “unconstitutionally vague” on what is actually established as ‘annoying behavior’. It only states liability if the defendant made or is moving towards a public disturbance, endangers a person’s life or another, or “harasses, annoys, or alarms another person.” The judges used a popular online dictionary’s definition of the word annoy to give additional credence to the ruling.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Reasons why Couples seek Lawyers in Indianapolis to file for Divorce

Addictions – A lot of people believe that any form of addiction is hard to forgive, if not entirely unforgivable. Drug and alcohol problems usually top the list, alongside gambling and pornography. Addiction issues are notorious for creating trust issues between couples, with one or the other reluctant to count on each other to be consistent in his/her behavior to focus on the marriage above all else. There are a lot more factors that lead marriages to ruin, but if worse comes to worst, there’s always valuable help around—in the legal sense, at least—should it prove to be too late to save the relationship. Capable attorneys in Franklin, Indiana and elsewhere who deal with family law issues like divorce are ready to provide assistance at a moment’s notice.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tips in Aiding Indianapolis Attorneys to Win a Personal Injury Claim

Be extra-cooperative with your lawyer – Always ensure that your attorney knows every move you make, whether it’s seeing a new doctor, or changes in your ability to perform gainful work. Every document that might help your case in court must also be forwarded to your lawyer, including accident reports, medical bills, and other relevant manuscripts. A reliable Indianapolis personal injury attorney is trained to guide you through your case. However, he won’t be able to win your claim on his lonesome, so be sure to augment his efforts with your own.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Skilled lawyers in Indianapolis Help You Fight for Your Custody Rights

Certain custody cases such as Patric’s may have domestic/family violence as a precedent for determination. Under Indiana Code 31 Chapter 14, Section 13, the court can decide in the child’s best interests after accounting for factors such as proof of either parent committing domestic violence. Patric was not allowed to see his son when Schreiber got a one-year restraining order on him; she claimed it was a product of his repeated harassment and offensive remarks about her in the presence of the child.

No child should ever be denied the chance to know his or her biological parents. Patric says he wants to do everything in his power to prove he never abandoned Gus. A family law attorney from Indianapolis like Eric L. Risk can be a trusted ally in such a quest.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Skilled Indianapolis Attorneys: Helping You Fight False Allegations

Searcher and Searchee

Meanwhile, in case you get accused of hiding some unlawful materials in your house, Gesse says that you must insist on a search warrant first. If the arresting authorities serve the warrant and find nothing incriminating or took something that was not listed in the document, your lawyer can use this as evidence.

Stand your ground, even when you feel the entire world is against you. A trusted criminal defense attorney from Indianapolis, such as Eric L. Risk, can give you have a fighting chance.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Skilled Lawyers in Indianapolis: Making Late Divorce Easier for Couple

One of the very few positives that this scenario offers is that the children are already independent, and issues regarding child custody and support no longer have to be discussed. All the divorcing couple has to do is to find the right attorney to help them formalize the separation.

Reliable attorneys in Franklin, Indiana like Eric Risk, P.C. can help the couple sort out properties, assets, and other entitlements, and protect the rights of whomever is their client between the two. They will also become the neutral ground in the entirety of the separation, helping the entire family wade through the entire process without emotions getting the best of them.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Reliable Indianapolis Attorneys Help with Accident Compensation Claims

Motorists and travelers who happen to meet a vehicular accident in the Indianapolis area should immediately seek the help of reliable Indianapolis attorneys, such as Eric L. Risk, to claim for compensation or, at least, to have legal representation.

A vehicular accident could easily cause medical conditions that may affect a person for varying lengths of time, depending on the severity of the collision. Injuries are the more common medical conditions crash survivors endure, but these victims may also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. These conditions will take a considerable amount of time before recovery becomes possible.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Child Support: How Trusted Family Lawyers in Indianapolis Can Help

Non-custodial parents should also make it a point to keep in mind exactly where child support payments should go. As any reliable Indianapolis family law attorney would know, child support payments must be made to the court clerk in the county where the divorce was finalized.

In addition, court clerks accept only cash, certified checks, and payments via money as they have neither the time nor the resources to collect on personal checks drawn from insufficient funds. Upon settlement, the clerk will then issue the non-custodial parent a valid receipt, which states that child support has been duly paid. The court then sends the funds to the child’s legal guardian or custodial parent.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Indianapolis Attorneys Ready for Revisions to the State’s Criminal Law

"Though the amendment does benefit state prosecutors, it may also help an Indianapolis criminal defense attorney obtain reduced sentences for clients. Criminal lawyers admittedly have one of the most difficult jobs in the world. The task of defending a person from a criminal proceeding, after all, can be very daunting, especially when witness statements and evidence point strongly against the defendant. However, until the verdict is handed down by the judge, it is important for a defense attorney to further investigate the case and exhaust all possible means to prove the client’s innocence beyond reasonable doubt.

Legal amendments notwithstanding, defendants in any criminal case need the kind of qualified and experienced defense lawyer like Eric L. Risk, Attorney at Law who can protect their Constitutional rights.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Child Custody Issues: How Physics and Lawyers in Indianapolis Can Help

Sit-Downs Still Better
Gomberoff may be on to something, though, and statistical physics may eventually be used to understand the dynamics of blended families. Until this happens, however, divorcing parties are better off sitting down and talking with each other.

After all, they still have the court to contend with. With the help of family lawyers in Indianapolis like Eric L. Risk, divorcing couples get a better chance of arriving at an agreeable settlement whether in or out of court. So far, Gomberoff’s model only makes sense for a network with fewer than five people, which is not realistic in many of today’s cases.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Personal Injury: Seek Justice with Help from Indianapolis Attorneys

Law enforcement agents sometimes face situations when an accident happens but they see no traffic violation. The boy’s parents said that the driver initially fled the scene, but came back after the father gave chase after him. When the police got to the scene, the man was already there to respond to the police’s questions. Even with witnesses on the scene, Brockton police claimed they couldn’t make any arrests that day.

Brockton police chief Robert Hayden promised a full investigation into the matter. For personal injury lawyers, the battle for restitution is far from over.